Upcoming ps3 rpg games

Here you will find some of the most anticipated upcoming rpg's for the ps3. Most of these games are available for pre-order on amazon and if so I will be providing a link to the product details and pre-order page!

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim the fifth episode of the series. This time will be more of an adventure than ever. It is said that the AI is greatly improved and every single area or city will be unique and have it's special traits. This title sounds very promising I sure don't want to miss this one! And for the real fanatics amongst you guys: the Collector's edition is also available for pre-order!

Mass Effect 3 is coming soon and will continue the epic sci-fi story of the first two parts. You'll be able to transfer your previous save games and the game will be different depending on the actions you made in part 1 and/or 2. Highly anticipated game since part 1 and 2 were quite awesome! Although it won't be coming out until 2012 it's already available for pre-order on amazon.